On September 25 to October 1 2020 enVision showcased the amazing difference-makers in our community; people including Damaris Krahn, Merle Gadsby, the Young Change Makers Zoé Bardal, Finley Hiebert, and the first grade class of 1W in Blumenort School, Justine Charette, Dennis Coley, Dusty Buchan, and Barry Piasta.
Watch these videos of our nominees by clicking on the coloured images below.
Each video hosted by Matt Falk.
The enVision Foundation Inc. (2012) is continuously raising funds to purchase an accessible vehicle, which will service people supported by enVision’s Residential Services.
enVision’s Residential Services are provided for people who need support in order to enjoy a full and meaningful life in the community. Something as simple as a vehicle outfitted for a user with a wheelchair can equip a person to take advantage of opportunities for inclusion in their own community. This essential vehicle will provide increased opportunity for people who use enVision’s Residential Services to access community places and events, and maintain important relationships